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If you are in the need of a new intercom system or your intercom system needs repair and service, we are the ones to call. We understand the need to make your living or working place more secure and we are proud to offer you our assistance.

Cloud-based video intercom systems that pair with apps are here to stay. For most intercom users in today’s mobile-centered world, the ability to simply swipe on a phone app to view guests and grant entry is a huge draw. Video intercom apps give users a range of benefits, from having tabs on their building entrance no matter where they are, to letting in delivery and maintenance people while on vacation or running errands.

Many buildings, both residential, commercial, and educational, use an intercom system protocol to welcome guests and verify access before entry. Additionally, an intercom system can be fully integrated into your building’s overall security or surveillance system, allowing audio and video feeds of all visitors to be captured for future reference